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Crystal Raw 4 Point Energy Generator (uncut)

Crystal Raw 4 Point Energy Generator (uncut)

SKU: prod-7ef557ba387526bc1afe8517d237a8
Excluding Sales Tax

Clear Quartz with a Four Point Energy Generator.
2.5 inch long and 2 inch high approx. Made of real crystal Quartz stones.

Clear Quartz Crystal is the Master Healer. Used in the Crown Chakra it helps to clear your mind and amplify your thoughts and energy, as well as other crystals. Clear Quartz is a wonderful energy regulating crystal.


Pursuant to State and Federal laws, The Simple Life is unable to make any claim as to the effectiveness of either the magical or medicinal efficacy of any of our products. Ingredients were chosen based upon legendary uses of them by many sources and are presented as such: folklore and legend. While our products are either traditional or specific to the craft we are unable to make any guarantees and must advise they are "Sold as Curios Only".

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