Money Drawing Anointing Oil for Metaphysical and Spiritual Use
Use Money Drawing Oil when are seeking more financial abundance and security or simply to attract more spending money.
Money Drawing oil is used for money drawing divination rituals to produce more wealth, prosperity, financial success or business. It can also be used in rituals for debt, loans and even job raises and promotions.
Some ways to use it are:
Anoint a green candle with the Money Drawing Oil and burn in in your business during business hours.
Put some on a dollar bill and stash it in your wallet.
Wear a little oil on your skin.
Add Money Drawing Oil to your bathwater.
Anoint your business or home door frame
Use before a job interview or financial meeting by rubbing a drop on your hands when shaking hands or handling financial paperwork
I personally use this Money Drawing Oil in my shop. An anointed green candle burns non-stop and has helped bring about more sales.
Contains: alfalfa, fenugreek, cinnamon, vertiver, and other corresponding herbs and essential oils in a base of fractionated coconut oil.
For bringing more money into your household or business.
Jar shape may vary due to stock.
Pursuant to State and Federal laws, The Simple Life is unable to make any claim as to the effectiveness of either the magical or medicinal efficacy of any of our products. Ingredients were chosen based upon legendary uses of them by many sources and are presented as such: folklore and legend. While our products are either traditional or specific to the craft we are unable to make any guarantees and must advise they are "Sold as Curios Only".