Red Brick Dust Sizes 1 to 8oz. for Protection. for Metaphysical and Spiritual Us
The sizes listed are in ounces. The jar option is sealed with a cork.
Our red brick dust is made from ethicality sourced local antique bricks and hand ground into a fine powder under prayer. We do not mass produce and believe that the labor and prayer involved aids in the intentions set by the user.
Red brick dust is a traditional magical ingredient that has been used for many centuries.
Also called “redding” or just plain ole “brick dust,” it comes from an ancient belief in the spiritual powers of natural red ochre powder. Sprinkle a line down across doorways and it is said that no one who means you harm can cross it.
When used at the entrance of a home or place of business, red brick dust is thought to offer spiritual protection for those residing in the building while warding off enemies. Red brick dust is also known to be used on baseball fields, dugouts and outdoor pathways.
It is often used as an ingredient in making floor washes to increase the powers of protection and is usually scrubbed onto the front porch.
Just a pinch is all you need to add needed protection to your home or business.
Colors of brick dust product will vary slightly with different bricks used
Pursuant to State and Federal laws, The Simple Life is unable to make any claim as to the effectiveness of either the magical or medicinal efficacy of any of our products. Ingredients were chosen based upon legendary uses of them by many sources and are presented as such: folklore and legend. While our products are either traditional or specific to the craft we are unable to make any guarantees and must advise they are "Sold as Curios Only".